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ICE Breakers



Which theme and storyline did you enjoy the most? The mystery of Maria Vãduva and her hauntings at Lowlands, the unlikely friendships (Thomas & Grace) the love interest (Thomas & James, Grace & Nathan) and the affect of the comets and stargazing on the community?
Did you expect Grace to escape her strict Baptist community unscathed and to what extent did this affect her destiny?
The novel orbits around the characters. Did you have a favourite and were you surprised by the relationships?
'Enlightenment' is Sarah Perry's most personal novel, given her faith, the setting and the metaphysical storyline. How does this compare with the author's other novels such as 'The Essex Serpent'?
Have you read any short-listed Booker Prize contenders for 2024? What are your thoughts on 'Enlightenment' making the short-list and will this be a favourite book club read of 2024?



Did you enjoy the writing style and storyline and did it place any relevance to today’s excesses?
Were there any likeable characters and who were the best survivors of this period?
Do you think Dick was trapped by Nicole’s wealth and was he is a victim of the failing American Dream?
Nicole is described as a ‘permanent eccentric’ although regarded by her closer family as mentally unstable. To what extent do you think her childhood experiences affected her behaviour? Or do you think she was suffering from schizophrenia?
Scott Fitzgerald wasn’t happy with the arrangement of the novel shifting back and forth in time over the 3 books. He preferred it to be chronological. However the final edition remains as per the original draft. Do you think this is more impactful?
F. Scott Fitzgerald only published 4 novels but was a revered and influential American writer (with 4 story collections and over 150 short stories). How does 'Tender is the Night' compare to his other books, in particular 'The Great Gatsby'?


Joelle Taylor is an award-winning poet and playwright – were you familiar with any of her work before reading 'The Night Alphabet'?
What did you think of Taylor’s style of writing and use of language? Were you able to wonder what would happen if you could enter this other world for a period?
Taylor describes her work as ‘feminist queer futurism' and 'magic realism speculative fiction.’ – do you agree and have you read similar genres?
Which was your favourite story and why?
Why do you think Taylor makes all the women disappear completely in the final chapter – what do you think she is asking us to question?
Taylor is writing a sequel which includes what happens to the ‘women who disappear’ – what ideas does your book club have in answer to this question?
There are many memorable quotes in the book – did you discover your own meaningful one?


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Illustrations by Lizzie Nightingale 
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