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ICE Breakers



How did this story enlighten you to this period of American history?
How do you think the Great Depression of the 1930s resonates with our current pandemic? What lessons can be learned from this period of history in terms of helping those facing hardship and loss?
What impact does telling the story through the eyes of a woman bring?
The Dust Bowl years involved mass migration – do you think things have changed in America today?
Why do you think the government failed to step in and help people at the mercy of rich Californian landowners?
Did you like Elsa and did you find her story believable? What does her story tell you about a person’s will to survive?
Have you read any other books by Kristin Hannah? How does this compare?



Did this novel encourage you to find out more about Greene’s own life and love affair with a married woman?
To what extent do you think Greene drew on his own life experiences and how does this novel differ from his other books?
Did you empathise with any of the characters? Were you on anyone's side?
Religion and catholic guilt are overwhelming themes that impact the character’s lives and choices. Do you think religion hindered their affair and how did this affect your opinion of Maurice and Sarah?
Why does Sarah keep to her vow made in a crisis - do you think this is believable?
Did the ending surprise you?


Had the group read any of The Rosie Novels? How did ‘The Rosie Result’ compare?
Which relationship did the group enjoy and why?
Which character did the group empathise with the most?
The theme of autism and fitting in is central to the plot in ‘The Rosie Result’ – do you think is helpful in understanding the condition? Are assessments a good idea and when is labelling not helpful?
‘It takes a village to raise a child’. How true is this proverb in relation to The Hudson Problem and your own community?
Is there any further scope for this series and why does it retain the ‘feel good’ factor for you?


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Illustrations by Lizzie Nightingale 
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