ICE Breakers
How familiar are your book club with 'David Copperfield 'and how did this add to your appreciation for the story – will you go back and read the novel again? Do you think you need to have read Dickens's novel to appreciate this story?
Do you think Demon’s voice is key to the storytelling and did he win you over?
Were you surprised at Demon’s detachment from everywhere outside his immediate home town and how him and most of his peers can’t imagine a world beyond their own?
Do you think if Demon hadn’t fallen in love with Dori he would have spiralled out of control or do you think his pathway was destined with or without her?
Why do you think towns such as Lee Valley became so detached and neglected during this '90s opioid crisis?
What does this story tell you about class in America?
Why do you think this modern retelling of an English classic has translated so well to '90s Appalachia, USA?
How does this novel compare with other novels you have read by Barbara Kingsolver?
Were you surprised by the impact on young women and their families after the Great War?
Do you think Nellie Coker is a credible night club owner and did she deserve to be successful?
Do you think Nellie (Ma) Coker made a good mother and which of her children did you empathise with, if any?
Which character and story attracted the most attention in your group? Freda and Florence? Gwendolen and/or Nellie?
Freda and Florence came from different backgrounds. Did you enjoy their friendship and who did you think made the better survivor?
Who do you think was a better suitor for Gwen? DC Frobisher or Niven Coker?
Was this book enlightening about this period in history post war and could you see any parallels with life after the pandemic?
Did you like one friend more than another? Did your allegiance for each friend switch as the story progressed?
Even the closest friendships hide secrets – did you guess what any of the secrets were?
Which decision by one of the friends disappointed you the most?
Why do you think Nina opens people’s letters?
How do you think the passing of time changes the relationships you form as children?
How did you find the switching of timelines?
Do you think that it is inevitable that hidden traumas will resurface later on in life?