ICE Breakers
Which of the trio did you like best and why? Did you find them believable?
How successful do you think the trio were in hiding their true selves?
This story is both tragic and comic – would you agree?
Do you think Boyd’s recounting of the ups and downs of making a film is true to life?
How did the backdrop of Brighton in the 1960’s add to the story?
Elfrida writes the first paragraph of her new novel many times – how did this make you feel?
How important are the subsidiary characters to the story?
Was the outcome for each of the trio what you and your book club expected?
Did you enjoy the maturer voice of Jane Austen in 'Persuasion' and how does it compare to any other novels written by her?
Anne grows in confidence in 'Persuasion'. What triggers lead her to be a braver heroine and how does she compare to other Austen characters?
Anne's friend, Mrs Smith, is a young war widow and as such she is a socially vulnerable character in the novel. Do you think Austen accepted gender inequality and how important was marriage for women to gain security?
What did the group learn about the class system and to what extent did the new stream of wealth, provided by the Napoleonic wars, enable a new class in the 19th century?
How relevant is a novel like 'Persuasion' today and is this a classic you would happily recommend?
How much did you know about Steven Bartlett before reading this book? Have you seen him on Dragon’s Den? What was your impression and has this book changed your opinion of him?
As a young CEO do you think he is qualified to give advice about 'fulfilment, love and success'? How does Bartlett compare to other entrepreneurs and their stories and how and what aspects of his book make this a useful millennial read?
Were you hoping to discover how Bartlett had created the marketing agency and how did this affect your reading of the book?
How does his book compare to other self help gurus and authors such as Malcoln Gladwell (author of 'Talking to Strangers', reviewed in Den)?
Were you pleased with the content and was Bartlett's advice valuable?