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ICE Breakers


Book Of The MOMENT

Jeanette Winterson's book cover describes Frankissstein as "A Love Story."  Who do you think she is referring to? 

Do you think love in the future will be very different from love today?

Reading this book, do you feel we are in an important era of transition with the advancement of technology and medicine?

Do you think the need for real human interaction will decline in the future?

How far was history and Mary Shelley showing us the way of what our future might be like?

How far away do you think we are from keeping a brain functioning without a body?

Each chapter begins with a profound quote - did this make you stop and reflect?  

How does this story make you feel about our future?



'Two’s company, three’s a crowd'  - was this always going to be the case for the relationship between Katey, Eve and Tinker?

Which character do you think has the most influence over Katey?

Did you find Katey’s reluctance to be true to herself frustrating or were you impressed at her ability to hold back?

An important theme to the book is how a spur of the moment decision can impact your life forever. Is this something you have experienced and do you think this is true?

Were you surprised at Eve’s decision to go to Hollywood and do you think this choice was the right one for her? Can you imagine Eve being successful in Hollywood?

Did you enjoy the 1930's New York setting and did it remind you of Breakfast at Tiffany’s or The Great Gatsby?

The title of the book comes from George Washington’s Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation which are listed in the appendix.  Which is your favourite and why?



If you have read Frankissstein what parallels about the future and robots do the books share?  Which did you enjoy more and why?

Did you like Adam?  Could you relate to him as a human at all, or could you only imagine him as a machine?

Did you believe Charlie and Miranda could have fallen in love?

Did you enjoy McEwan's counterfactual hypotheses?  Why do you think he chooses to do this?

What impact do you think future automation will have on our jobs and free time?

How does this story make you feel about our future?

Why is this a novel of our time? What other dystopic books and films does it remind you of (Ishisguro/'Klara and the Sun')?




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Illustrations by Lizzie Nightingale 
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