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ICE Breakers


Book Of The MOMENT

What is so wonderful about this world of surreal myths and magic and why do you think it still resonates with us today?

Do you think Circe was a feminist of her time?

Clearly Miller adds her own interpretation to the traditional stories. How does Miller’s freedom of imagination empower our heroine?

Why do you think Miller chooses to make Circe a heroine, when according to Greek mythology she was an evil witch? 

Were you surprised knowing her single mindedness at Circe's vulnerability when it came to protecting her son?

How does Circe's relationship with her family change as a result of her exile?

How does this novel compare with The Song of Achilles by the same author?



How would you describe '84 Charing Cross Road' to your friends? - A collection of letters? A quirky story about what? 

Did it matter that some of the letters are missing? And was it enough to understand the characters and their roles in the book?

What is the appeal of Helene as a New Yorker in this nostalgic read? Do you or don't you like her?

If you read The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street (often in the same book) how did this improve your overall enjoyment of the book?  

The book has been the inspiration for a film and has been performed as a play - what do you think is the best setting and format for this story?

Could a book like this be written today or are we too conscious of what and how we communicate? 

What other books or films - about books - does this remind you of?  'The Bookshop' by Penelope Fitzpatrick?



Alec’s character says that scientists who marry or have children lose part of their brain.  Do you believe genius minds thrive on solitude and detachment from society?

Eaves probes the question of what it is to be a human in a world of machines.  How relevant is this to the modern digital world we live in today?

What is the social importance of Alec’s insights into consciousness?

Alec talks about the “ghostly callers” in his head.  With all the current discussion surrounding mental health, how does his non-judgmental analysis of his mind enhance the book?

Why do you think someone so intelligent and with such high levels of scientific understanding was prepared to undergo chemical castration rather than go to prison?

Alec never expresses anger at his medical treatment, rather he sees it as an opportunity to immerse himself in his past.  Did you find this liberating? 

Do you think this book will become a modern classic?




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Illustrations by Lizzie Nightingale 
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