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This 1998 Booker Prize winner is a dark morality drama that remains a relevant and contemporary story. Small enough to pack for any getaway.

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178 pages

A cleverly crafted novel by a Den favourite, Ian McEwan. First published in 1998 and Booker Prize winner, ‘Amsterdam’ is a dark morality drama that remains a relevant and contemporary story blending psychological tension with comic undertones. A compulsive story, this book will keep you turning every page!

‘Amsterdam’ tells the story of the two ex-lovers of Molly Lane, Clive Linley and Vernon Halliday, who are reunited at their old friend’s funeral in which they make a pact that comes with unforeseen consequences. This novel explores the relationship between the two friends and the effects their personal and professional aspirations have on their friendship. Clive is an esteemed composer and Vernon a respected newspaper editor. Their individual ambitions cause a rift, nonetheless their lives become intertwined in unimaginable ways, leading them to the destination of Amsterdam.

This is a compelling story of betrayal, jealousy and relationships, one that every book club should read. McEwan delves into a tangled web of moral dilemmas exploring the themes of hypocrisy, mortality and betrayal.

Lots to talk about in book club and only 178 pages so easy to read in one sitting.

"Full of gusto, straightforward, and delivers blows to the gut...shocking". A.S.Byatt writes. We can't help but agree.

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Illustrations by Lizzie Nightingale 
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